Mmm, Thats tasty
Well I guess that your tongue doesn’t need much introduction really. Everyone knows that the tongue lives in the mouth and that it is very busy.
But what is it? What does it do?
Your tongue is made up of lots of groups of muscles which run in different directions, so that your tongue can move in lots of different directions, and cope with all its different jobs.
Picky eaters
Children often seem to be picky eaters. Mostly they have more taste buds than adults. Some kids are picky eaters because they have more taste buds. Which makes them not eat.
Taste buds
Did you know you have 10,000 taste buds hidden in papillae across the surface of your tongue. Your taste buds is in your tongue in the side of your tongue look in the mirror and you can see it, it’s little and it is like a ball.
Do you like food? Did you know you some people don’t like every food.I like some food. What do you like? People who have lots of taste buds are Super Taste Buds. Taste buds are sensory organs that are found on your tongue.
You make Saliva when you chew. The harder you chew, The more saliva you make.